A horse stall is a large enclosed area in which horses live, rest, and are kept safe from the elements, such as wind, rain, and cold. They are commonly found in barns and stables, although some horses do not live in stalls and can be kept outdoors, with the exception of a sick or injured horse that must be confined to a stall to heal until they are well again. Stalls are also useful in keeping horses from rubbing each other and damaging each other, and in providing a space where trainers can work with individual horses.
Horse stalls can be made of wood horse stalls or aluminum and may have windows, doors, and other amenities to make them comfortable for the animals. The stalls are typically lined with wood shavings or straw, and the door is usually fastened to a galvanized metal track and trolley system to allow easy opening of the stalls. Many stalls are built using aluminum, which is a common material for equine stalls because it is corrosion resistant, and it appears durable, but it can bend, shift, or crack under stress if the welding is done incorrectly. Aluminum stalls must be regularly deburred to remove burrs that could cut the horses. Using high-quality materials and having the stalls properly constructed by a qualified welder is important for the safety of your horses.
Stall doors can be either swinging or sliding, and the stalls can have latches installed to prevent horses from leaving them. Sliding stall doors are preferred, and they require less hardware than swinging ones. If you choose to install swinging stall doors, be sure that they can be latched open at all times, and make sure that the stalls are constructed with heavy-duty hinges to avoid sagging.
Most stalls have some type of window or other natural light source, and electric fixtures may be installed to provide additional lighting. These fixtures should be placed along the front or side walls to decrease shadows and to lighten up the interior of the stall. Be sure that all electrical wiring is housed in metal or plastic conduit to prevent rodents from chewing it and creating a fire hazard.
For more comfort, some stalls have a fold-down or stationary open yoke attached to the top of the stall wall, which allows the horse to look around and get mild outdoor stimulation while still being safely confined in its stall. These yokes may also have mesh or grill tops and bottoms to increase airflow. These yoke options, which are not to be used as a substitute for daily exercise, will keep your horses safe and healthy when you need them to stay in their stalls for a few days.